Aligarh Muslim University
Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh

Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) came about in 1920, through the Muhammadan Anglo Oriental College, which had been established by Sir. Syed Ahmad Khan in 1877. AMU his host to both undergraduate, graduate, and medical education institutions, as well as high schools for boys and girls. As an institution of excellence, they are committed to providing high quality care and medical education to their patients and students. We currently have one maternal health project  and one palliative care project at AMU. 


Dr. Tamkin Khan

Dr. Tamkin Khan

Staff Supported:

  • NurseS (3)

The maternal health project at AMU began in March 2014 with Dr. Seema Hakim as the local champion. At present, Dr. Tamkin Khan serves as the local champion. We currently support three nurses at this site.