Acharya Tulsi Regional Cancer Treatment and Research Institute
Bikaner, Rajasthan
Acharya Tulsi Regional Cancer Treatment and Research Institute is a government run hospital and one of the oldest cancer-specific institutions in northwest India. It gained its regional cancer center designation in 1999 and has been providing quality medical treatment to its patients in northwest India since before 1940. RCC Bikaner sees over 10,000 patients per year and has a dedicated pediatric ward with 8 beds for pediatric oncology patients. We currently have an IPOI and ICPCI project at this site.
Dr. Surendra Beniwal
Staff Supported:
Social Worker cum Data Manager
The pediatric oncology project was started at RCC Bikaner in 2013, after the start of the palliative care project. Our local champion is Dr. Surendra Beniwal, Head of the Department of Medical Oncology. We currently support one social worker cum data manager and one nurse.
2 nurses
2 doctors
data manager
The palliative care project at ATRCC Bikaner began in 2014, with the support of Dr. M.R. Bardia. Dr. Bardia is the Director of ATRCC and the project's local champion. We currently support two doctors, two nurses and one data manager at this site.