Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute
Guwahati, Assam
Dr. B. Boroah Cancer Institute was established in November 1973 in honor of Dr. Bhubaneswar Borooah, a doctor, activist, and philanthropist. In 1980, B. Borooah Cancer Institute was designated as a regional cancer center and since then, they have been committed to providing high quality treatment with modern healthcare technology as it becomes readily available. At present, the hospital has 200 beds as well as a 100 bedded guest house for ambulatory patients and their relatives. We currently have a pediatric oncology project and palliative care project at this site.
Dr. Munlima Hazarika
Staff Supported:
Social Worker
Data Manager
Our pediatric oncology project at B. Borooah Cancer Institute began in May 2013, with the support of Dr. Munlima Hazarika, Assistant Professor in the Department of Medical Oncology. Dr, Hazarika is JDF's local champion for this project and is a pediatrician with oncology training from TATA Memorial Hospital in Mumbai. We currently support one social worker, one data manager, and one nurse at this site.